Latin name Common name Type Description Cultivation Hedging
GAZANIA genus annual, perennial c. 6-10ins (15-25cm). Evergreen. Carpet-forming. Long, narrow leaves. In summer, daisy-like flowers: colours include white, yellow, pink or red. Half hardy, -0°C. Sun and sandy soil. No
GYPSOPHILA genus annual, perennial c1in -2.5ft ( 2.5cm-75cm). Small, dark or greyish leaves. In summer, clusters of single or double flowers on wirey stems. Colours include white or pink. Fully hardy. Sun. Tolerates dry, sandy soils. No
LIMONIUM genus Sea Lavender annual, perennial, sub-shrub c.6ins-3ft(15cm-1m). Oval or narrow leaves, sometimes lobed or in basal rosette. Some are evergreen. Tubular flowers, generally blue, in summer or early autumn. Frost tender, 10°C, or fully hardy. Sun and well-drained soil. No
LOBELIA genus annual, perennial, shrub c. 4in - 6ft (10cm-2m). Some are evergreen. Narrow, sometimes reddish, leaves. Flowers are two-lipped, in summer. Colours include red, blue or purple. Some are irritants. Frost tender, 5°C, or fully hardy. Sun, in summer needs moist soil. No
X VENIDIO-ARCTOTIS hybrid genus annual, perennial See "Arctotis" genus. No